Hello, This is my journal

Done by: Meteb Almadi

I am Meteb Almadi, and I attend DGMD course and that is my journal about the people card.

Well, my partner is Nitya Maddineni and my card will represent her as much as I can and I wrote her favorite stuff on a paper

Here it is:

I presented three different cards to her and they are down here:

After asking my partner Nitya about which one she liked although I forgot to ask her for a picture, she chose this one:

Well, what I had in mind was to change the color of the background to black, since it was her favorite color and change the picture to a star shape instead of a square.

I thought that it would be great to change the color of the star to shinny gold.

It would be a surprise for her.

Well, Here is my unfinished card of Nitya:

See the Pen Nitya Maddineni's Card by Meteb Almadi (@metebalmadi) on CodePen.

The Ipad Pro

Well, for my personal project mock ups I willprogram a game using scratch that will be like this:

Answering Question:

In today's lesson, July/6/2016, we had the chance to discuss the project topic and I started with my idea which is drawing each sprite and putting them together to make the space background. In the next lesson I will hopefully will be done by the coding part and coding is an open field so I would need the cooperation od the teaching team and their care to guide me finish this project.

In today's lesson, July/11/2016, I did half of the code to make the fighterjet shot arrows and move the fighterjet in four sides up, down, right and left. I will need some help from the teaching team with my code so that it will run correctly.